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Opening hours

Nursery is open in school term time only. You can find details of term dates here.


Opening hours


Our nursery is open from 8.40am until 3.15pm, with morning, afternoon or full day sessions available. 


 For funding the nursery day is split into two sessions. Children can attend a three-hour session or a full day. Each session is three hours long -


  • 9.00am – 12.00pm
  • 12.00pm – 3.00pm.




2-3 year olds £5.00 per hour 

3-4 Year olds £4.50 per hour 

These costs are reviewed annually by the federation


Link to Eligibility Checking Service for Exten

Extra funded places for working families – Education and Families ( 




The Early Years Grant is a government scheme which provides funding for 3 and 4-year- olds. A child is eligible the term following their third birthday. Children are entitled to up to 15 free hours within a setting or across more than one setting. These need to be used in blocks of three hours. Additional hours can be purchased if space is available. More information about Early Years funding can be found here.


There is also grant funding available for some 2 year olds. Staff can advise if you meet the requirements for this grant. Otherwise, spaces can be purchased if available.

Link to apply for Two Year Old Funding 

Funded care and education for two-year-olds – Education and Families (


We also accept child care vouchers.

We now accept the governments extended entitlement childcare codes 

Link to Eligibility Checking Service for Extended Funding

Extra funded places for working families – Education and Families ( 



