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Contact Details

Head of School: Mr ChrisThrelfall


SENCo: Mrs Belinda Cook

Queries should be emailed to with FAO SENDCo in the title.


Director of School Improvement: Mrs Clare Fegan


Hawkchurch Church of England Primary School

Hawkchurch, Axminster, Devon EX13 5XD

Telephone: 01297 678331 


School Administrator: Mrs Natalie Shakespeare




Our school is part of the First Federation Trust and the Chair of Directors is: Mr Alex Walmsley who can be contacted through

The address of First Federation Trust is C/O 

Blackpool CE Primary School, Liverton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6JB 

Tel: 01626 244920 

Queries or requests for paper copies of information, school visits and all visitors into school are handled in the first instance or met by the school administrator and paper copies are available free of charge.



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