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Our Christian Vision and Values

Our Vision

Our vision at Hawkchurch C of E Primary School is Learning Together, Growing Together. In order for us to Learn Together and Grow Together, the school community chose the following values. These values underpin all that we do in school. 






Children who demonstrate these values are given a merit, which they collect on a merit chart. When the children have filled their chart, they get a certificate in Celebration Assembly on Fridays. 







Linked Passages from


How does this value link

to our school's Christian Vision?


Matthew 7.12

'Do to others as you would have

them do to you.' 

At Hawkchurch we have respect for each other and the environment. We listen carefully to each other, value everybody's contributions and we show our appreciation for the people who work with us. We believe that everyone in our school is unique and special to God and we respect and value difference. When St Peter was writing a letter to his friends who were going through a difficult time he said: "Show proper respect to everyone" (1 Peter 2.17)

Philippians 4.13

'I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.'

As a school, we recognise that life is sometimes difficult and painful and that learning can be challenging. It is important not to give up in the face of adversity. Through our school learning behaviours, we can find ways to help ourselves learn new things.

Luke 10.27

'Love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and

with all your strength and with all

your mind and, Love your neighbour as yourself.'

At Hawkchurch we want the children to be able empathise and sympathise. We want them to be able to walk in someone else's shoes and try to experience what they experience. We want this to lead to a desire to act. Through the Young Leaders Programme and Ethos committee, we want to share in the lives of others. 

Corinthians 12:24-26

'God has combined the members of the body...

so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.'

Hawkchurch is a very small school but we are one big family. We learn together and grow together. We recognise our successes in celebration assembly and spur each other on to achieve. As a school we seek to help the children understand they belong to many different communities, from their families to local, national and global communities.  Part of flourishing in character is bringing something positive to those communities and seeing their value and significance in them. 

Romans 12.15

'Rejoice with those who rejoice'

At Hawkchurch we want the children to find joy in the smallest of things. We want the children to think positive, talk positive and feel positive. 



Hawkchurch C of E Primary School aims to serve its community, within the shared Christian Vision of the First Federation Trust, to enable our children to aspire, flourish and achieve, leading to life in all its fullness. (John 10 v 10) 


As a school we aim to inspire every pupil to have high hopes for themselves and their world, seeing themselves as part of a wider local, national and global community. We strive to prepare them to be a considerate citizen of all communities, with relationships being built on trust and mutual respect. We encourage them to contribute positively to the communities within which they are a part. We provide opportunities for them to explore themselves as unique and having inherent worth, looking at who they are, their character and their gifts, talents and abilities. A high emphasis is put on children’s wellbeing and mental health, ensuring that children have the tools to manage the ups and downs of life. We want children to aspire to be and do whatever they want to be and to achieve well in all aspects of life. 
